Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Wayne Besen compared to Adolph Hitler

at PageOneQ

A website by a right-wing preacher and self-professed
'ex-gay' DL Foster has posted a picture of the executive
director of Truth Wins Out, Wayne Besen, that has been modified to
make Besen appear like Adolph Hitler.

Foster's blog Perspectives In Motion, has a post dated June 10th in which
Foster refers to Besen's new organization as "Wayne
Besen's Final Solution." Later in the post, Foster
points out that Besen is Jewish: In the press conference, Besen (of Jewish descent)
claimed that 'ex-gay' ministries could not be trusted
or tolerated in our tolerant society. To back up those
claims he presented evidence that 'ex-gay' leaders
invariably go back to being gay. Richard Cohen, John
Paulk, Michael Johnston and uhhhh those two guys who
"fell in love" left their wives, got AIDS
and lived happily ever after. Proof positive, he
asserted that 'ex-gay' ministries were shameless snake
oil salesmen.

This personifies the extremism that is characteristic of
the 'ex-gay' movement, Mr. Besen told PageOneQ
today. "They claim they are about love, yet
regularly engage in character assassination and
misinformation campaigns," he added. Besen
responded to the image on the site, as well as it's
title, "I am disturbed by the blatant anti-semitism
of Rev. Foster. His writing and the use of a graphic
image which is so painful to so many speaks loudly not
only of Foster, but reflects poorly on the entire
so-called 'ex-gay' community," said Besen.


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